
Welcome to the Ackoo Developer Documentation! The following guides have been created to provide you with a simple way to integrate with our services on both the client and server sides. On the client side we currently support Web , iOS and React Native apps through our client SDKs. On the server side we support server to server integration s2s using REST APIs.

How It Works

1. Register on the Ackoo Platform

When you register on the Ackoo platform please you your client apps for web and/or mobile by providing their urls and bundle identifers.

2. Integrate the Ackoo SDK in Your App

The Ackoo SDK must be installed in your apps in order to have accurate attribution and event tracking for customers that come through Ackoo. offer

3. Your Offer is Displayed in the Ackoo App

Once your offer is approved, it will be displayed in the Ackoo mobile app. Whenever a user clicks on your link it will redirect them to your mobile app, if already installed on their device, or your web store.

If the user does not have your mobile app installed on their device, they will be prompted to install it and the Ackoo SDK will track them throughout this process. offer

4. Track Events

You can track semantic events which are based on the standard ecommerce journey for users. Please note that you must identify your users in order to properly attribute purchases they make to their Ackoo accounts.


When an order from an Ackoo user is created you will need to call the Ackoo API service with the order details. The most reliable and secure way to do this is through server to server integration. You will need to embed the session token, along with the orderID, which can be retrieved through the Ackoo SDK.

Orders can be updated or cancelled using the orderID.


Although we do not recommend client-side order management, for potential security and reliability issues, you can also manage your orders from the client-side. You will need to call the same endpoints using your preferred http client.


6. Monitor Your Data Through Dashboard

Once you are set up and integrated you can view sessions, users and conversions through the Ackoo dashboard. integration

SDK integration



!(function (c, t) {
  ((t = c.createElement("script")).type = "text/javascript"),
    (t.async = !0),
    (t.onload = function () {
    (t.src = ""),

Insert the following snippet before the end of the HTML Head tag.

This snippet will load the Ackoo SDK into your client app. It automatically checks for session tokens either in the url and/or in the local storage and it exposes the Ackoo SDK globally which you can access through window.ackoo. Please note that session tokens have a time-to-live of 7 days.

If the Ackoo SDK detects that the current user is not an Ackoo user, i.e. they weren’t redirected to your app through Ackoo, the SDK will automatically deactivate and all events fired will not be tracked. This saves you the trouble of checking whether each user is an Ackoo user or not.

Identify Users

Identify users by their unique identifer and add any properties you wish to save for the user. You can skip this part if you don't create user accounts.

Identify a user with id

ackoo.identify("tvtfjx32h08", {
  name: "john doe"
  email: "[email protected]",
  createdAt: "Tue, 1 Oct 2020 12:31:35 GMT"

Identify a user with properties alone

  name: "john doe"
  email: "[email protected]",
  createdAt: "Tue, 1 Oct 2020 12:31:35 GMT"

Track Events

The Ackoo SDK currently supports the tracking of semantic events that are most commonly associated with the e-commerce user journey.

Track Add to Cart

Trigger this event when a visitor adds an item to their cart.

  itemId: "psw1ivq0gho",
  name: "iPhone 7"
  quantity: 2,
  price: 13.500,
  currency: "kwd"
Property Type Description
itemId string Unique identifier for the item in your database
name string Item display name
quantity number Quantity of added items
price number Price of a single item
currency string Currency associated with the price (OneOf [kwd, usd, sar, aed, bhd, omr, qar, eur, gbp, egp])

Track View Item

ackoo.trackViewItem({ itemId: "rsm3pmacp8j", name: "iPhone 7" });

Trigger this event when a visitor views a specific item.

Property Type Description
itemId string Unique identifier for item in your database
name string Item display name

Track Orders

Track Checkout

  orderId: "51r8jiqr6jj",
  amount: 25.000,
  currency: "kwd",

Trigger this event when a visitor completes a checkout.

Property Type Description
orderId string Unique identifier for the order in your database
amount number Total order amount
currency string Currency associated with the order (OneOf [kwd, usd, sar, aed, bhd, omr, qar, eur, gbp, egp])
isFirstPurchase (optional) boolean Whether This is the current User First Purchase (Default: false)

If you are using server-side-rendering only for your store. make sure to

  1. Include the ackoo script in each page header.
  2. move your tracking code into the onload function

For Example in the "checkout success" page you will add this snippet

!(function (c, t) {
  ((t = c.createElement("script")).type = "text/javascript"),
    (t.async = !0),
    (t.onload = function () {
        orderId: "51r8jiqr6jj",
        amount: 25.000,
        currency: "kwd",
    (t.src = ""),



The Ackoo SDK is publicly available through CocoaPods. To install it, add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'AckooSDK'


1. Configure Info.plist

Set “ackooToken” to be your partner App Key.

2. Configure Associated Domains
  1. In Xcode, go to the Capabilities tab of your project file.
  2. Add Ackoo universal links & under associated domains associatedomains


Initialize the SDK

In your Appdelegate class


import AckooSDK

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {


@import AckooSDK;

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
    // Override point for customization after application launch
    [AckooSDKManager.shared initSession:AckooLogLevelNone];
    return YES;

In Appdelegate class or SceneDelegate class


func application(_ application: UIApplication, continue userActivity: NSUserActivity, restorationHandler: @escaping ([UIUserActivityRestoring]?) -> Void) -> Bool {
    AckooSDKManager.shared.continueActivity(userActivity: userActivity)
//if you are using scenes
func scene(_ scene: UIScene, continue userActivity: NSUserActivity) {
    AckooSDKManager.shared.continueActivity(userActivity: userActivity)


- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application continueUserActivity:(NSUserActivity *)userActivity restorationHandler:(void (^)(NSArray<id<UIUserActivityRestoring>> * _Nullable))restorationHandler {
    [AckooSDKManager.shared continueActivityWithUserActivity:userActivity];
    return TRUE;

** If your app is built using React Native, you can continue the integration here. **

Retrieve SessionToken

This will return the Ackoo user session token if the current user is an active Ackoo user. Otherwise it will return an error message.


AckooSDKManager.shared.getSessionToken {
    (activationState) in

    if case .active(let sessionToken) = activationState {
        self.showAlert(title: "Ackoo SDK is Active", message: "sessionToken : \(sessionToken)")
    } else if case .inactive(let errorCode, let errorMessage) = activationState {
        self.showAlert(title: "Ackoo SDK is Inactive", message: "code : \(errorCode), message: \(errorMessage)")


[AckooSDKManager.shared getSessionToken:^(NSString * _Nullable token, NSError * _Nullable error) {
    if (token) {
    } else {

Track Events

Track View Item

Trigger this event when a visitor views an item.


let eventData = [
    itemId: "rsm3pmacp8j",
    name: "iPhone 7"
    quantity: 2,
    price: 13.500,
    currency: "kwd"

AckooSDKManager.shared.trackViewItem(eventData) { succeeded, response in
    if succeeded {
        print("track checkout successful")
    } else {
        let error = response as? AckooSdkError
        print(error?.code , error?.message)

Objective C

NSDictionary * eventData =@{ @"itemId": @"rsm3pmacp8j",
                                     @"name" : @"iPhone 7",
                                     @"quantity": @2,
                                     @"price": @13.500,
                                     @"currency": @"kwd"};

[AckooSDKManager.shared trackViewItem:eventData callback:^(BOOL success, AckooError * _Nullable error) {
    if (success){

Property Type Description
itemId string Item unique identifier in your database
name string Item display name

Track Add to Cart

Trigger this event when a visitor adds an item to their cart.


let eventData = [
    itemId: "psw1ivq0gho",
    name: "iPhone 7"
    quantity: 2,
    price: 13.500,
    currency: "kwd"

AckooSDKManager.shared.trackAddToCart(eventData) { succeeded, response in
    if succeeded {
        print("track checkout successful")
    } else {
        let error = response as? AckooSdkError
        print(error?.code , error?.message)

Objective C

NSDictionary * eventData =@{ @"itemId": @"rsm3pmacp8j",
                                     @"name" : @"iPhone 7",
                                     @"quantity": @2,
                                     @"price": @13.500,
                                     @"currency": @"kwd"};

[AckooSDKManager.shared trackAddToCart:eventData callback:^(BOOL success, AckooError * _Nullable error) {
    if (success){

Property Type Description
itemId string Item unique identifier in your database
name string Item display name
quantity number Quantity of items added to cart
price number Price of a single item
currency string Currency associated with the item (OneOf [kwd, usd, sar, aed, bhd, omr, qar, eur, gbp, egp])

Track Orders

Track Checkout

Trigger this event when a visitor checkout.


let eventData = [
    orderId : "51r8jiqr6jj",
    amount : 25.000,
    currency : "kwd"
AckooSDKManager.shared.trackCheckout(eventData) { succeeded, response in
    if succeeded {
        print("track checkout successful")
    } else {
        let error = response as? AckooSdkError
        print(error?.code , error?.message)

Objective C

NSDictionary * eventData =@{ @"orderId": @"rsm3pmacp8j",
                                     @"amount": @2,
                                     @"currency": @"kwd"};

[AckooSDKManager.shared trackCheckout:eventData callback:^(BOOL success, AckooError * _Nullable error) {
    if (success){


Property Type Description
orderId string Unique order identifier in your database
amount number Total amount of order
currency string Currency associated with the order (OneOf [kwd, usd, sar, aed, bhd, omr, qar, eur, gbp, egp])


Testing Basic Integration

Go to your Ackoo dashboard and generate a link for your iOS App.

The generated link will be a universal link with a test session token that will be used to validate the integration. Copy and paste this link in any text editor on your device and click on it. The following scenarios will occur:

Example Project

To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Then run it in Xcode.


  1. Make sure you have the latest version of the pod. Currently Version
  2. Ensure you have set ackooToken in your main info.plist file to be your correct app key.
  3. Make sure is added to your associated domains correctly.
  4. Make sure your bundle identifier and team id are correct in the Ackoo dashboard.

React Native


To install the Ackoo SDK please run the following commands inside your project directory:

$ npm install react-native-ackoo-sdk
$ cd ios
$ pod install


Please follow the same Configuration & Initialization as the native iOS cocoa pod.


To check if the current user is a valid Ackoo user that has been redirected to your app from the Ackoo app within the last 7 days. Note: session tokens have a time-to-live of 7 days.

Returns a session token that should be passed on to your backend for s2s integration.

import AckooSdk from "react-native-ackoo-sdk";

//check if user is a valid Ackoo User
  .then((sessionToken) => {
    // you probably want to store this and send it to your backend
  .catch((error) => {
    console.error(error.code, error.message);

Identify User

AckooSdk.identify("slkasndlnaclanc", {
  email: "[email protected]",

This enables us to bind our Ackoo user to your app users which gives you the ability to re-target those users through the Ackoo platform.

Track Events

Track View Item

Trigger this event when a visitor views an item.

AckooSDK.trackViewItem({ itemId: "rsm3pmacp8j", name: "Iphone 7" });
Property Type Description
itemId string Item unique identifier in your database
name string Item display name

Track Add to Cart

Trigger this event when a visitor adds an item to their cart.

  itemId: "psw1ivq0gho",
  name: "iPhone 7"
  quantity: 2,
  price: 13.500,
  currency: "kwd"
Property Type Description
itemId string Item unique identifier in your database
name string Item display name
quantity number Quantity of added items
price number Price of a single Item
currency string Currency associated with the item (OneOf [kwd, usd, sar, aed, bhd, omr, qar, eur, gbp, egp])

Track Orders

Track Checkout

Trigger this event when a visitor checkout.

  orderId: "51r8jiqr6jj",
  amount: 25.000,
  currency: "kwd",
Property Type Description
orderId string Order unique Identifier in your database
amount number Total amount of order
currency string Currency associated with the order (OneOf [kwd, usd, sar, aed, bhd, omr, qar, eur, gbp, egp])

Order Tracking

To complete your Integration with us you need to track orders created by ackoo users once they are created.This allows us to instantly reward them as soon as they make the purchase on your site. You can do that using either client side tracking or Server To Server Integration.

Client side Integration

Whenever an ackoo user makes any purchases on your system. you need to track this purchase. you do that by using the trackCheckout function that is available in all our SDKs.

Client Side Integration automatically marks orders as "pending". once the finalization period is over the order status is automatically updated to be "completed". However cancelled order can't be tracked using client side integration. You will need to either use the api Integration or manually through the dashboard.

Tracked order from client side will appear as events in your dashboard. but it will also get tracked as an order in your dashboard unless you disable client side order tracking and use the server to server integration instead.

Server To Server Integration

The Ackoo API also allows partners to track orders on a server to server (s2s) level which is the most secure and accurate method for tracking orders and their updates.

S2S integration with the Ackoo API is very straightforward. When an order is created, your server (CMS) should check if the order is created from an ackoo user,using Ackoo session tokens, you simply post that order details to the associated Ackoo endpoint. For further clarification please see the diagram below.




Your partner app key is used to identify which partner requests are coming from. You need to insert your app key in the header of your API calls.

Your partner app key is used to identify which partner requests are coming from. You need to insert your app key in the header of your API calls.

The ‘session-token’ is a unique identifier that provides session information which includes user, device and partner information.

The ‘session-token’ can be retrieved through our client SDK and must be passed on to your backend in order to create s2s events. Please note that you must associate orderID with the sessionToken in order to be able to update the order status later on.



All apis used by sdk in partners apps


Code samples

## You can also use wget
curl -X PUT \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'session-token: SESSION_TOKEN' \
  -H 'app-key: APP_KEY'
  -H 'app-secret: APP_SECRET'

PUT /partner/transactions

Update a status of a transaction called by our server to server integration

Body parameter

  "orderId": "asdasdaksdjasdasklda",
  "status": "pending",
  "amount": 20.000,
  "currency": "kwd"


Name In Type Required Description
body body object false body structure of request
» orderId body string true none
» status body string true none
» amount body number true none
» currency body string true none
Enumerated Values
Parameter Value
» status pending
» status completed
» status cancelled
» currency kwd
» currency usd
» currency sar
» currency aed
» currency bhd
» currency omr
» currency qar
» currency eur

Example responses

200 Response

  "ok": true,
  "data": null


Status Meaning Description Schema
# 200 OK transactions status updated successfully

Response Schema

Tracks The User in Partner App Through Conversion Events

Code samples

## You can also use wget
curl -X POST \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'session-token: SESSION_TOKEN' \
  -H 'app-key: APP_KEY'
  -H 'app-secret: APP_SECRET'

POST /partner/track

Body parameter

  "name": "string",
  "props": {}


Name In Type Required Description
body body object false you need to provide both an event name and an event properties
» name body string false none
» props body object false none

Example responses


  "ok": true,
  "data": {}

bad request body

  "ok": false,
  "error": {
    "message": "should have required property 'name'"


Status Meaning Description Schema
# 200 OK success
# 400 Bad Request bad request

Response Schema



  "ok": true,
  "data": {}


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
ok boolean false none none
data object false none none


  "ok": true,
  "error": "string"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
ok boolean false none none
error string false none none


  "ok": true,
  "error": "string",
  "details": {}


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
ok boolean false none none
error string false none none
details object false none none